I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. JOHN 15:5-8
Abide is not a word we use often today. Life is busy and the world is often noisy. "Hurried" might better describe some of my days....but abiding...that necessitates slowing down.
Abiding not wasted time spent in futility, rather the word connotes activity that results in the production of fruit. There is a sense of relationship..."whoever abides in me and I in him..." By not abiding, being disconnected from the vine, we produce nothing of lasting value.
Abide...to wait for
...to endure without yielding
...to bear patiently
...to accept without objection
...to endure without yielding
...to bear patiently
...to accept without objection
Oh, how this describes my relationship with the Lord! Expectantly, patiently, knowing His purposes are being fulfilled...and yet it takes time...so much time! How important it is to abide, so I don't get frustrated or begin to think it's never going to happen.

Mine are grown, but I still remember those sweet first moments when I met each of the sons I had born face to face!
I also think of the developing life inside the womb, being nurtured in an environment that contains all the elements necessary for the baby to grow and mature so that life can be sustained outside the womb...whoever abides in me and I in him... This dynamic of abiding has produced new life! God's sense of abiding also produces new life.
I also think of the developing life inside the womb, being nurtured in an environment that contains all the elements necessary for the baby to grow and mature so that life can be sustained outside the womb...whoever abides in me and I in him... This dynamic of abiding has produced new life! God's sense of abiding also produces new life.
Abiding isn't at all passive!
Mission, Jesus style abiding is so much more than merely knowing about Him and what He has done for us! We have work to do so that fruit can be produced! There is the sense of passive activity...let me explain...

Abiding allows God's love to flow in!
God's necessary ingredient is love, delivered through the Word. Taking the time each day to receive the love of the Lord - - hearing his words of grace - - conversing with Him in prayer - - discovering a new aspect of his nature and character ...produces fresh new growth! In the quiet with the Lord, his words of grace flow in. When I hear them afresh, I know how dearly I am loved...it changes me and I grow in my capacity to love others.
Abiding allows God's love to flow out!
The image of abiding has a flow through, where His love is deposited and creates the new growth. I am the branch. Each time God's love flows in, my capacity to let His love flow through increases. As His Word, filled with love is deposited in me, delicious fruit is produced that can now be shared and enjoyed by others.
Fruit has seeds, contained inside, each with the capacity to grow. As the branch, my function is to let God's love flow through - always for the good of another - always for healing and reconciliation - always with a pleasant aroma!
Fruit trees of all kinds will grow on both banks of the river. Their leaves will not wither, nor will their fruit fail. Every month they will bear fruit, because the water from the sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing.” EZEKIEL 47:12
In what ways do our lives provide sustenance and healing for people?
As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love. JOHN 15:9
Take time to abide while you enjoy this video!
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