Monday, April 21, 2014

Personal, Not Private

It's the day after Easter, the day Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and I'm reflecting on the responses to Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection as they are recorded in the Gospels.  This question comes to mind:

What is your response to the resurrection? 

Are you running to tell others like the women?  MATTHEW 28:8
Have you witnessed the events, yet up to this point failed to recognize the person of Jesus, like the two men walking along the road to Emmaus?  LUKE 24:13-35
Do you need a bit more evidence like Thomas?  JOHN 20:24-29

The amazing thing is that Jesus meets each person in the way that they need to be met!

For Mary, it only takes him speaking her name.  JOHN 20:16
For the men walking to Emmaus it was a meal and Jesus' action of taking bread, giving thanks and breaking it that opened their eyes. LUKE 24:30
For Thomas, Jesus allowed him to touch his wounds. JOHN 20:27

Immediately following the account with Thomas, John writes:  Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book.  But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name. JOHN 20:30-31

While Jesus meets us each personally, we're not meant to hold this privately.  

Jesus activity in our lives is for us, AND for others.  The disciples could have kept the message to themselves, but they told someone, who told someone, and so on... in such a way that you have, or are now hearing this message.   

Introducing people to the one who created them and loves them is pure joy!

If you find this to be challenging, I encourage you to spend more time with Jesus.  Read the gospels and begin paying attention to the places He shows up in your life.  My prayer is, just like the disciples, that one day you cannot help speaking about what you have seen and heard.

It is also my prayer as you come to know the One who created you, who loves you, who cares and provides for you, and who wants you to have life in his name.  

I also pray that you will become better prepared to share the love that Jesus poured out on the cross with other people who may not already know the love God has for them!

Jesus has risen and is calling you to share this Good News!

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