Friday, August 23, 2013

Preparing an Unlikely Missionary

I was in my late twenties when I sensed a calling from God to serve him in a more intentional way.  I can't explain it logically, I just knew that His Spirit was calling me in that direction.  As I took those first steps in timid obedience, I could have never dreamed what would unfold in the years to come.  The Lord was beginning to shape me into a missionary.

Missionary: a person undertaking a mission, especially a religious one.

My first mission field was a Sunday school class of 4 and 5 year old children.  The Lord knew that since I didn't yet know the stories that children learn from the Bible, that this would be a good way for me to learn them.  As I taught alongside an incredible mentor, I learned the stories of Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus and Paul as we prepared lessons for children.  

At the same time I was teaching aerobic classes, which I was to discover as my second mission field.  I genuinely loved these women.  We were together three mornings a week and journeyed together for about 18 years!  I was learning the ways of the Lord and sharing my journey. Friends share their joys and woes and sorrows, so I had many opportunities to extend loving care in these years. Without realizing it then, I was encouraging others in their faith.

All the while, I'm praying for the Lord to open a door to work in the church!

About 10 years into this journey, a training opportunity opens up!  I timidly inquire and enroll, only to find myself as the only woman studying with a group of men.  It's one of the few times in my life that I wanted to turn and run, but my instructors and the men were gracious and provided lots of encouragement. My missionary calling was becoming more clear.  

This led to a Master program in Christian Outreach at Concordia University in St. Paul Minnesota.  At this point I began to realize that maybe I had found my calling!  Three years of study and a Capstone Project the size of a PhD thesis were like summer camp.  I loved every minute of it!!!

The Lord was preparing a missionary

It was during this course of study that the concept of God's mission was introduced to me for the first time.  The Missio Dei - the mission of God.  I had not heard that before.  It would forever change my perspective on life!

Missio Dei: the mission of God.

The mission of God, Missio Dei, is evident from the creation of the world throughout eternity.  I understand the Missio Dei as God’s desire and action to have a close and personal relationship with His human creatures for all eternity.  As humans, we are challenged because the relationship intended at creation was broken.  From that point forward, God has been acting throughout history to bring His human creatures back into relationship with Him.  He is still acting for humankind, through those who know Him, to accomplish that mission today. 

I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone-- for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.  This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all men--the testimony given in its proper time. 1 THESSALONIANS  2:1-6

Mission, Jesus style calls all people who know the Lord to
serve as missionaries within their network of relationships
so that all people would come to know him.    

I could have never imagined that one day I would be serving as a missionary in urban Baltimore, and helping to prepare others who will serve as missionaries in the places where they live, work and play.  It's not complicated...  What's necessary?

Love God - - Spend time in His Word - - Serve Others - - Help them do the same

In what ways are you being prepared to serve as a missionary
in your network of relationships?

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